Our sweet Isabelle turned 4 on November 19th. Like usual, Isabelle was counting down the days till her birthday. This year she decided to stray from her Tinkerbell birthday theme that she has had the last two years. But she didn't stray far and it wasn't too unexpected, this year it was all about princesses. She decided to have a princess party with all of her little friends. They all came dressed as princesses and we did everyone's hair and nails to finish off the princess look.

Mikenzie was our hairstylist and did everyone's hair with glitter and all.

Some of the other mom's and I took on painting all the girls' nails.

Little Anya had to get in on the nail painting action.

After getting all princesses up, the girls all decorated princess crowns with stickers and jewels.

Isabelle had been eyeing this princess cake at Publix for a while so we had to get it for her birthday.

All the girls were eager to help Isabelle blow out the candles.

Isabelle was very spoiled by all of her friends with lots of fun presents. Thank you everyone!

Ever since we lived in NYC last year Isabelle has wanted an American Girl doll. We went to the American Girl store a couple times a week. She has talked about it ever since. My mom told her that she would get her one for her birthday and you bet Isabelle held her to it. She kept telling my mom that she needed to go on a plane to NYC to get her doll. Isabelle examined the catalog very closely for months and found her perfect doll, Kanani. Isabelle loved that she had long brown hair like her. When Isabelle opened her present from my mom, she was all grins. We got her a couple of outfits that she picked out for her and she loves changing her into her different clothes.

Our friends Scott and MaryLynn and their little girl Zoe were in town for the week from NYC and were able to come for Isabelle's birthday party. Isabelle was so happy to have her little friend Zoe there for the party.
Just a little update on Isabelle and her current interests/likes:
- Isabelle is loving school. She only goes two days a week, but is thrilled whenever she gets to go. She has made lots of friends at school and loves her teachers.
- Isabelle started off the school year not knowing any of her letters, but has really picked them up fast.
- Isabelle's favorite color is purple.
- Isabelle would wear a dress every day if I let her.
- Isabelle loves playing dress-ups and changes her clothes all day long.
- Isabelle loves playing outside and going to the park.
- Isabelle always wants to know what our schedule is and has the sharpest memory. If we stray from our plans she will be the first to let us know.
- Isabelle is a great big sister. She really takes ownership in her role in the family. I absolutely love seeing the relationship she has with Anya. They are the best of friends. I love seeing them interact and all of their inside jokes that are just between the two of them.
- Isabelle is thrilled to have her little brother join us in March. Everyday she talks to him and hugs and kisses my belly.
- Isabelle insists on routines. Everything has to be done in a certain order.
- Isabelle is very opinionated on EVERYTHING.
- Isabelle's favorite food is apples. We still struggle with getting her to try anything new. She is definitely the picky eater in the house.
- Isabelle loves watching movies and can quote any movie or sing along to any song after seeing or hearing it only 2 times. She has a great memory.
- Isabelle loves going to church and learning about Jesus and the prophets.
- Isabelle loves reading the scriptures and memorizing scripture stories.
- Isabelle loves Family Home Evening, especially when we pull out the flannel board and she gets to tell stories from the scriptures.
- Isabelle's favorite time of day is when her Papa comes home from work.
- Isabelle loves to cuddle.
- Isabelle makes us laugh all day long, she is always doing things and saying things that keep us rolling.
- Isabelle is working hard on her French. It isn't always easy for her to form sentences in French, but she is making a big effort to try. She has great understanding and comprehension of French thanks to Charles' continual effort to always speak in French to the kids.
- Isabelle loves France and everything to do with it. She gets so excited when she sees pictures of the Eiffel Tower.
- Isabelle loves New York City. Everyday she tells me she wants to go back to her new home in New York City and that she misses it there. If she could live anywhere it would be there. Sounds like her Momma.
- Isabelle is very sensitive and loving. She always wants to make sure everyone is happy.
- Out of nowhere Isabelle has gotten very good at art. She has taken a big interest in painting. I accredit most of that to her school and all of the art projects they do.
- Isabelle loves going to Disney.
- Isabelle finally learned how to swim this last summer and loves being in the water.
- Isabelle has learned the value of money. She has picked out a few different toys at the store, found out how much they were and then saved up her money till she had enough to buy them. She is so proud each time she buys something with her own hard earned money.
- One of our favorite things Isabelle says is when we ask her to do something that we don't know she has already done she always says "Maybe I already did..." It makes us laugh every time.
- Isabelle has a few jobs around the house. She is in charge of setting the table and she always clears her own place without being asked. She also is getting better at cleaning her room and cleaning up after herself.
- Isabelle is very independent and will help herself to whatever she wants in the kitchen.
- Isabelle brings us so much joy. She is like sunshine on a rainy day. We just soak up every moment with her.