Like many, we had an action packed Christmas Holiday. Typically we kick off the Christmas Holiday the day after Thanksgiving by going and getting our Christmas tree, but this year we were too excited to wait. The tent for the Christmas trees went up two weeks before Thanksgiving. Isabelle saw it as we drove by and remembered right away, that that was where we get our Christmas trees. On Isabelle's birthday they started selling the trees. We held out 2 more days and then broke down. We couldn't wait any longer! Oh how we love getting our tree and decorating for Christmas!
Isabelle had her first school Christmas program. We were so proud of her singing up on the stage. She is so animated and full of life, I think she was born to perform.

O Christmas Tree

Looking for the perfect Christmas tree.

Gotta love the sticky mess of candy canes!
Cookie Time
Of course on Christmas eve we kept to tradition and decorated Christmas cookies. I think Anya did more eating than decorating.

Traditional Christmas Eve party at Brad's mom's house

Christmas Morning
The girls didn't ask for a lot for Christmas, but what they did ask for was very specific. They both wanted a Care Bear stuffed animal, Share Bear and Cheer Bear. Simple enough, right? Wrong! Little did I know they don't sell Care Bears in stores anymore, just online. In early December I ordered both the girls' bears on eBay. After 2 weeks I checked to see the status on the order and saw that there was a note that the seller was out of town and the bears would arrive in January. What??? That wouldn't work! So I put in a request to cancel the order and in the meantime I ordered new bears on Amazon for about triple the price, but time was running out. After placing the new order I got an email back from the eBay seller saying he was in China and had sent the bears and they should be here in time. I got them soon after. The bears were a lot smaller than I had envisioned, but they were the right bears and they were cute. Then the order came in from Amazon. The bear for Anya was perfect! It was big and just like I had envisioned, but Isabelle's bear was completely the wrong one. I called Amazon and they put in a new order to get me the right bear. I got it on the 23rd and again, they sent the wrong bear! I was so frustrated and upset since I knew there wasn't enough time to order again. I couldn't very well give Anya the nice big bear and Isabelle get the smaller bear from the China order. So I decided I would just return all the Amazon bears and keep the smaller ones. It all worked out and the girls loved their bears.
Another one of Anya's favorite presents was her Snow White doll She loves Snow White and didn't even want to open up any more presents after she saw the doll.
Isabelle had seen a ballet outfit at Costco that she liked so Anya got it for her.
The day after Christmas we went to Ma's house for her annual Christmas party. It's always wonderful to be there with family.

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