Little Miss Anya Noelle is 6 and 1/2 weeks old already. She truly is a bundle of joy. It seems like she changes everyday. She has definitely gotten a lot bigger. I feel like she is already losing that "newborn look." It is fun to see her start smiling and interacting. Life with two kids is definitely an adjustment. Fortunately we have had a lot of help from family. First Charles' sister Elise was here and then my sister Carol stayed with us for about 10 days and then Charles' mom flew in to help out. She will be here another week and a half. Aside from in home help we have also had a lot of help from my mom and sisters who live in town. So I guess we will really find out what it is like to have two kids once my mother-in-law leaves. It's funny how getting just one kid ready seems so easy now!
My healing process was a ton easier this time. I attribute that mainly to the epidural and working out throughout my pregnancy. I was able to get back to the gym at 3 weeks and it felt great to be back. I probably could have gone even sooner, but I didn't want to push it too much.
Anya Noelle still spends a lot of her time sleeping. She sleeps great through the day, but we are still working on the night. At first she would only sleep at night if we were holding her. Fortunately, she is outgrowing that. Most nights she gets up once or twice to eat and then goes back to sleep, but we do still have that occasional night where it seems like she wont sleep and is wide awake. Luckily, she usually isn't fussy during that time.
Grandpa & his 3 youngest girls! Addi was having fun with Anya, but I dont think Anya liked it.
My Dad and Deana have been able to come over from Melbourne several times since Anya was born. Deana brought dinner a couple times, which was fabulous!
Oh, she is so beautiful!! Does she have olive skin, or is that just the new baby coloring still? Either way, she's just perfect.
ok are you sure that first picture isn't Isabelle? haha she's adorable..of course. same cute little chin!
She is absolutely gorgeous! These pics make me want to give her a big kiss from her mommies old mission comp (:
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